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Product RecallSafety Alerts

IPD Manufacturer Recall

IPV40E and IPV40ES Salzer


IPD is the Manufacturer of the above DC Isolators and have outlined the following steps


Product Safety Recall

  1. You should immediately turn off your Solar/Photovoltaic system by using the “AC ISOLATOR” switch and turning it to “off” – WARNING: don’t operate the isolators marked “PV ARRAY DC ISOLATOR”.
  1. You must contact the IPD Customer Service Centre 1300 55 66 01 or visit www.ipd.com.au/recall and provide your contact details and details of the electrical contractor which is True Value Solar.
  1. The affected DC Isolators are the following models:
    Brand: SALZER
    IPV40E – DCLB232
    IPV40ES – DCLB23

Below are the instructions for how to reboot your Solar System.

Step 1 – AC off Switch off the AC isolator. You will always have one in your switchboard, or meter box, and you may also have one by your inverter. This could be labelled up as ‘AC switch’ or ‘Solar Supply Main Switch’.

Step 2 – DC off
Switch off the DC isolator which should be located underneath the inverter. The screen should go blank, and the lights should go off

See productsafety.gov.au for

Australian product recall information


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